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FILM 映画について

Go for Broke! ハワイ日系二世の記憶 ~ Memories of Hawai'i Japanese "Niseis"~


日本のハワイアン音楽界のトップが主旨に賛同して参加! すべては「二世への敬意を表するために」。


キャスト:ハワイの日系二世 34名

監督・脚本・撮影・編集:松元裕之 プロデューサー:中野理恵





This movie and producer Matsumoto's activities is a non-profit. Revenue business aims to support the Kansha Preschool in Maui. Of course, the profit of screening in Hawaii will be donated to Kansha Preschool.

( 442nd Vets Hiroshi Arisumi, President of Nisei Veternns Memorial Center of Maui

Participation to this movie, top musicians of the Hawaiian music world of Japan in support to our purport "For all the Respect to Nisei".


Cast: 34 Niseis of Hawaii

Producer, Director, Screenplay, Cinematography Edit: Hiroyuki "Matsugen" Matsumoto 

Music: Sandii, Yamauchi "Alani" Yuki, Bucky Shirakata Jr.

Narration: Robert Harris 

Production and Distribution: NPO NAC-J (98 minutes English and Japanese) 

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